A seminal piece of work, Last Child in the Woods shows how our children have become increasingly alienated and distant from nature, why this matters, and what we can do to make a difference. It is unsentimental, rigorous and utterly original.
Today many of us live indoor lives, disconnected from the natural world as never before. Now, in the moment of our great migration away from the rest of nature, more and more scientific evidence is emerging to confirm its place at the heart of our psychological wellbeing. So what happens, asks acclaimed journalist Lucy Jones, as we lose our bond with the natural world-might we also be losing part of ourselves?
In 2016, Isabel Hardman's mind, in her own words, 'stopped working' as she fell prey to severe depression and anxiety. She took time off on long-term sick leave and despite several relapses has returned to work with a much improved ability to cope. She has since become one of the UK's most prominent public voices on mental health.
Barton, J. and Pretty, J., 2010. What is the best dose of nature and green exercise for improving mental health? A multi-study analysis. Environmental science & technology, 44(10), pp.3947-3955.
Coventry, P.A., Brown, J.E., Pervin, J., Brabyn, S., Pateman, R., Breedvelt, J., Gilbody, S., Stancliffe, R., McEachan, R. and White, P.L., 2021. Nature-based outdoor activities for mental and physical health: Systematic review and meta-analysis. SSM-population health, 16, p.100934.
Pasanen, T.P., White, M.P., Wheeler, B.W., Garrett, J.K. and Elliott, L.R., 2019. Neighbourhood blue space, health and wellbeing: The mediating role of different types of physical activity. Environment international, 131, p.105016.
Allan, J., Hardwell, A., Kay, C., Peacock, S., Hart, M., Dillon, M. and Brymer, E., 2020. Health and wellbeing in an outdoor and adventure sports context. Sports, 8(4), p.50.
Rogerson, M., Wood, C., Pretty, J., Schoenmakers, P., Bloomfield, D. and Barton, J., 2020. Regular doses of nature: The efficacy of green exercise interventions for mental wellbeing. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(5), p.1526.
White, M.P., Alcock, I., Grellier, J., Wheeler, B.W., Hartig, T., Warber, S.L., Bone, A., Depledge, M.H. and Fleming, L.E., 2019. Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing. Scientific reports, 9(1), pp.1-11.xx